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Our Story

 Founded and Built in 2013 by Frank Stronach, We built a ranch system to produce cattle using only the highest regard for their well being, ensuring a life on natural grass pastures - not confined into a tightly packed feedlot. While on the pastures our cattle are never fed any grains, but get their nutrition from our natural Bahia, Bermuda and Hemarthria grasses as well as rhizoma perennial peanut forage. 

Today Fort McCoy Beef consists of a few thousand acres of pasture in sunny Central Florida. Nestled in the heart of the property and surrounded by pastures is our 66,000 sq ft state of the art beef harvest and processing facility. The Stronach Family's guiding vision of No Pain, No Stress for the animals and No Chemicals in our food permeates every aspect of our farm and facility.   

 Since 2013 we have partnered with many other like-minded ranchers who believe in raising cattle like we do. This enables us to bring more product to you than we ever could by ourselves. We work together to produce the beef that you are looking for.